We equip local leaders to share the gospel

We often <<train the trainers>> for entire denominations and conferences so that these workers can, in turn, train church planters. This approach allows us to reach many more people with our training and multiply strategically.

We provide tools with a spectrum of ministry platforms:

More churches

One-year modular church planting program where leaders are challenged to plant new churches through practical skills, biblical training, mentoring, and follow-up.

Stronger churches

Ongoing process to strengthen the local church. Includes assessment tools to aid in the health and vitality of the church, leading to strategic planning.

CreationIt's time for you to get involved

CreationIt's time for you to get involved

New churches are planted every day using Multiplication Network materials and training. That means that, 24 hours a day, somewhere in the world, a church planter is working hard in his community to disciple people with the Word of God. There are church planters all over the world who need the tools and resources that Multiplication Network can provide, but we need your help.


New churches are planted every day using Multiplication Network materials and training. That means that, 24 hours a day, somewhere in the world, a church planter is working hard in his community to disciple people with the Word of God. There are church planters all over the world who need the tools and resources that Multiplication Network can provide, but we need your help.


Core values

Christian integrity

Ephesians 4

Team leadership

Ephesians 4

Responsible stewardship

1 Chronicles 29:10-14

Excellence in training and material

Ephesians 6:6-8

High reproducibility and easy access

2 Timothy 2:2

Core values

Christian integrity

Ephesians 4

Team leadership

Ephesians 4

Responsible stewardship

1 Chronicles 29:10-14

Excellence in training and material

Ephesians 6:6-8

High reproducibility and easy access

2 Timothy 2:2

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