The Introduction to Better Churches is a one-day workshop that allows church leaders to keep the congregation focused on their task as God’s agent in a particular place. Prepares leaders to lead their congregation on a self-designed path toward greater ministry effectiveness in accordance with the ten characteristics of a healthy congregational life and mission.

Take the Pulse of Your Church is a tool that allows leaders to assess the level of health in the congregation and assess key areas of ministry. It serves as a self-assessment and planning tool for the local church, addressing both quantitative and qualitative factors. A dynamic online version of the tool is available below.

The Strategic Planning Process workshop helps church leaders determine what actions the church will take, and how the church will take these actions. With the strategic plan, leaders can be sure that biblical, sensible, and reliable details will be communicated well. The result is a church with staff focused on accomplishing the work of the Kingdom of God to have a greater impact in their community.

We offer a Toolkit of strategies designed to help a church focus on the specific areas of ministry it wishes to develop.

As a church reaches its self-determined goals, it celebrates what it is becoming by the grace of God and through the power of the Holy Spirit. He is then challenged to consider planting a daughter church.

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