HOPEShare wisdom

You may have wondered:

«Why plant more churches if millions of people suffer daily due to lack of drinking water, diseases, etc? Shouldn’t we build wells and clinics instead of planting more churches?

These are very valid questions, however in Ephesians 3:10 Paul says: «”so that the manifold wisdom of God may now be made known through the church”…» Despite the circumstances that each person is going through, when they know God and join a local community of believers; hopelessness disappears.

You may have wondered:

«Why plant more churches if millions of people suffer daily due to lack of drinking water, diseases, etc? Shouldn’t we build wells and clinics instead of planting more churches?

These are very valid questions, however in Ephesians 3:10 Paul says: «”so that the manifold wisdom of God may now be made known through the church”…» Despite the circumstances that each person is going through, when they know God and join a local community of believers; hopelessness disappears.

We want to see more churches and better churches

More families and communities transformed through the power of Jesus

Human community


When a healthy church is planted in a local community, leaders who feel capable of bringing about change through the Holy Spirit are also born. With renewed hope, these local leaders establish a variety of sustainable ministries, helping to transform their communities.

A comprehensive and contextualized response to all kinds of human needs can be achieved through local communities of believers who can share the love of Christ in all kinds of practical ways. Programs that offer education about AIDS and domestic violence can work through the church for lasting impact.

Human community


When a healthy church is planted in a local community, leaders who feel capable of bringing about change through the Holy Spirit are also born. With renewed hope, these local leaders establish a variety of sustainable ministries, helping to transform their communities.

A comprehensive and contextualized response to all kinds of human needs can be achieved through local communities of believers who can share the love of Christ in all kinds of practical ways. Programs that offer education about AIDS and domestic violence can work through the church for lasting impact.

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