Multiplication NetworkMultiplication Network is a ministry dedicated to providing tools and resources to strengthen and multiply healthy churches.

Multiplication NetworkMultiplication Network is a ministry dedicated to providing tools and resources to strengthen and multiply healthy churches.


We serve the Denomination and local church, through training for the planting and growth of healthy churches, our vision being A healthy church representing the Kingdom of God in each community. To achieve this, we freely share all the resources that we have and that we suggest are a guide for you to develop your own process of revitalization and planting of new churches.


We serve the Denomination and local church, through training for the planting and growth of healthy churches, our vision being A healthy church representing the Kingdom of God in each community. To achieve this, we freely share all the resources that we have and that we suggest are a guide for you to develop your own process of revitalization and planting of new churches.


We serve the Denomination and local church, through training for the planting and growth of healthy churches, our vision being A healthy church representing the Kingdom of God in each community. To achieve this, we freely share all the resources that we have and that we suggest are a guide for you to develop your own process of revitalization and planting of new churches.

Vision, MissionDesire and willingness to serve


A healthy church representing the Kingdom of God in each community.


Equip leaders with the tools and resources to strengthen and multiply healthy churches.

Vision, MissionDesire and willingness to serve


A healthy church representing the Kingdom of God in each community.


Equip leaders with the tools and resources to strengthen and multiply healthy churches.

Our objectivesWe work to fulfill the Great Commission

Our objectivesWe work to fulfill the Great Commission

Aware of the urgent need to bring comprehensive growth and lasting fruit, we wish to serve you. Our material and service, which are already part of the strategy of other sister Denominations, have positive and impressive results for the glory of God. For this, we suggest contacting our National Coordinators and signing agreements which will allow us, aligned with the general vision of your Denomination or Organization, to design our own contextualized strategies for each country. Have a database of measurable field results, and also design contextualized material for your Organization.

Aware of the urgent need to bring comprehensive growth and lasting fruit, we wish to serve you. Our material and service, which are already part of the strategy of other sister Denominations, have positive and impressive results for the glory of God. For this, we suggest contacting our National Coordinators and signing agreements which will allow us, aligned with the general vision of your Denomination or Organization, to design our own contextualized strategies for each country. Have a database of measurable field results, and also design contextualized material for your Organization.

Aware of the urgent need to bring comprehensive growth and lasting fruit, we wish to serve you. Our material and service, which are already part of the strategy of other sister Denominations, have positive and impressive results for the glory of God. For this, we suggest contacting our National Coordinators and signing agreements which will allow us, aligned with the general vision of your Denomination or Organization, to design our own contextualized strategies for each country. Have a database of measurable field results, and also design contextualized material for your Organization.

«Therefore, go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them to observe all the things that I command you; and behold, I am with you always, until the end of the world. Amen«

Matthew 28:19-20

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